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Social Story Character: Arnold

autism computer food puzzle tv Nov 03, 2018

Name: Arnold

5 Favorite Hobbies:

  1. Catching bugs
  2. Puzzles
  3. Putting together models with his parents
  4. Baseball
  5. Yo-Yo

5 Favorite Things:

  1. Hotdogs and pizza are his favorite foods
  2. School and academics
  3. Computer games
  4. Comic books
  5. People

5 Strengths:

  1. Loves to talk and being around people! Since his parents own a local comic book store, there are a lot of people that Arnold finds very interesting, oftentimes based on what the content provides in the bookstore
  2. He isn’t afraid to say what’s on his mind
  3. A genius in math and science
  4. Can be a total goof at times getting a few laughs here and there
  5. Very good at sports (baseball being his favorite sport)

5 Weaknesses:

  1. Very closed minded when it comes to food
  2. Doesn’t know when to stop talking about his favorite things at times (even though he admits that he needs help in some areas)
  3. He rambles on whenever he’s afraid in trying something new. Whether that’s with food or going to a new place. Even if it’s...
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autism television tv Jan 01, 2018

The television. Next to books, toys, and games, the TV is a neat source of entertainment. The screen can be a gateway to wondrous adventures of any kind. Whether it involves comedy, drama, action, or whatever genre there is, the TV can contain all sorts of really cool stuff!

I have mentioned this before when it comes to video games, and that is that it affects the mind; Same goes for television shows. I was introduced to age appropriate shows that had color and charm. Most of the cartoons I would watch were very old cartoons from the 1920's to the 1960's. Didn't really matter what year the cartoons were, I just enjoyed watching them.

Think television shows that involve color, to me that was very appealing and very helpful. Oftentimes I wouldn't know what's going on just by the characters speaking, I would know what's going on by action. I know that there are shows that have some forms of dialogue, but the action that takes place sort of takes the spotlight, and to me, that's how...

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