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autism fast racing speed toys Jul 03, 2017

Did you know that before I wrote my book, I have always wanted to be a race car driver? Any kind of racing for that matter. If it involves race car helmets or any kind of helmet, then that means I am about to go really fast!

My parents were very serious about me wearing a bike helmet whenever I ride my bicycle. It's the law and it's for safety. Later on after growing out my hair for a bit, I began thinking that helmet hair looks pretty cool! Even when my hair is already spiked up.

I have been very into automobiles when I was very little; the little toy cars and trucks or any kind of thing with wheels that go fast. What I would do is whenever I play with my toy cars, I would sometimes align them in specific ways. Then, what I do next is that after I put them in their places, I then move around looking at the cars in a scenic kind of way; almost like a photographer would do, except I didn't know how to really use a camera that well back then. But it's true, I would look at the cars...

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autism numbers racing Apr 27, 2017

I find numbers to be easy to understand then the alphabet. English is one of the hardest languages in the world. There, their, they’re… too difficult. Numbers have a lot of meaning in my opinion, that’s why I’m “pretty good” at math. Pretty good because I’m not very good at coming up with answers really quickly. I have to think it out sometimes.

I’ll tell you why numbers are pretty cool. There are ten numbers that go on for a long time. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Then there are two numbers that come after 9 which is 10. There’s the numbers 1 and 0 and it goes over and over again. Just like the weekends; Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday… just the like the months- well you get the idea.

I really like playing racing video games that have the race cars with the numbers on them. I have a game where you can slap your own number on the race car. I honestly thought pretty hard about the different...

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