I really do not like talking about this topic.
It is not because isolation is a deep subject that can be saddening, but it is mainly because to me it does not deliver any awareness or impactful message when there are words being typed about the topic. Like to let pictures and motion pictures tell it like it is; Let the audience think. That's the way I enjoy doing things when it comes to my work. Let the audience think. I enjoy the idea of interacting with my audience in different ways. Whether in books, video, keynote events, and so on. Never really enjoyed demanding others to think a certain way. That'll make the world boring.
To think a certain way. Seems like the foundation of my isolation. Everyone's got their reasons to be isolated; I have mine. It is a light and dark situation to me. I hate it, and I love it. During school, I much would rather have that kind of isolation because then I wouldn't unintentionally irritate anyone; Much rather do things in private and then send...
The very first discovery when having autism is innocence.
In the beginning, many children would not know that they have autism. Should someone let them know early or later on? It depends; Every parent is different when breaking the news to the topic of autism with their children. For my case, I didn't learn about this information until I was thirteen. Here's why.
I had the help at school. With the para pros, the tests, and all of that good stuff to assist me because of autism, but was not told that I have had it. I retained my innocence and went on with whatever went on.
Felt happy in a way not knowing about the whole autism thing as I was growing up. Next to the extra help, I had my share of fun moments with other children in elementary school. In all honesty, I believed we shared the same innocence together. Learn, laugh, run, and play; Didn't matter if you were dumb, deft, or blind, or anything like that, along with things I have had; One thing we all had in common was that we...
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