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Tyler & Tyler


Seeing double? That is alright! We are introducing a new member in AutismWorks and his name is Tyler. Tyler, Tiny Tyler, Little Tyler, Puppet Tyler, however you would like to call him; I tend to change up the name every so often for the fun of it.

Who is this Tyler? That is what I am still attempting to figure out. Just getting to know him as I introduced him not too long ago. The humble beginnings started when we wanted to come up with ideas involving kids and the topic of autism. I have been aware of this muppet that has been introduced in the show, Sesame Street, and their take is pretty fair and different. Nothing to really say about how others portray autism using puppets other then I support their takes on the topic; I just know that when I would do it, it would be coming from someone that lives and negotiates with autism every day.

The puppet version of Tyler was highly encouraged by my team. I was very much against the idea because for one, I thought it was far too...

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The Real Reason Why I Look At The Reflection

It is a strange habit that I find myself doing for as long as I can remember. I just thought about this recently when I was on my lunch break and it got me thinking long and hard about it. I find myself looking at myself in the mirror almost every day; Not just mirrors, windows, lake water, and anything else where I can see myself.

I promise you, this is not a “you are so full of yourself, Tyler'' moment; trust me, I have heard of that reply from a good friend of mine several times. I laughed it off. It’s not really funny though I do not think. Oh no, most of the time as much as I do not want to look at the reflection, I just could not resist and this is why.


  • Having a conversation with myself.


I get lonesome really easily ya know. I sort of figured if there was anyone I could talk to, it would be him, the boy in the reflection. How I talk to him doesn’t come from talking with the mouth, no it does not; we...

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Conversation with the Crows

I was starving! All I really had for breakfast was a couple of waffles and two oranges. It was a work day but I already signed all of the books and had them shipped. Spare time was in full effect but wanted to make a business trip to Fry’s, one of my favorite stores for electronics. Before that, I took the boat to Seattle and made my journey out to the city culture once again; Currently live in an island, fun to get a city fix anyway.

Fried chicken would be one of my first choices for lunch or possibly dinner; Uncle Jack introduced the tasty goodness to me when I was six and I was hooked! Good with ranch! Wasn’t just the fried chicken for me, it was fried chicken, ranch, a biscuit, a cookie, soda, root beer, fries, and a burger; three pieces of chicken I almost forgot to add there.
I was starving! Went through the drive-thru, parked at a Taco Bell, and ate my meal sitting up against my car. Of course, that is the thing about having an empty stomach, empty brain. Forgot...

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