Watching the Same Video Over

autism repeat repetition same video watch Sep 17, 2018

Many children with autism watch the same video over and over again. The question is: Should you let your child with autism watch the same video over and over again?

The answer is yes! Most likely they are using that part of the video to develop language, or are using it as a “touchstone” to help them handle the sensory input around them.

You can use that repetitive activity as a bridge into other interests. It may seem strange at first, but once you understand the reason that your child with autism watches a video over and over again, you will learn how to use that as a took for their development.

So next time that they are watching the same thing repetitively, sit with them, be interested in what they are doing, and have them show you the specific part of the video they are watching.

Look for faces, mouth movements, and other clues as to why your child might be watching that particular section.

Most likely they are trying to add that specific activity to their world, and are just trying to figure out where that fits in for them. It may take a little detective work, but it’s well worth it in the end.

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