New Routines

blog coffee new pattern patterns routine stradegies stradegy Mar 01, 2024

Following a routine can be hard.
Starting a new routine can be harder.
Constantly changing routines can be the hardest.

What if constant change becomes routine? A moment where the same becomes a challenge. I will be the first to tell you that I have not set a good example in commitment to routine. Especially when it comes to blog post. So on behalf of everyone inside and outside of AutismWorks, I'm sorry.

So I am working on it. New routine! More posts. I have learned that blogs can be good sometimes. Now onto the new routines in general. What can we do to get back into the new routine of things? Because I can tell you from experience, I tend to think in patterns. Do you or anyone you know think similarly? You're not alone on it.

Look. I get it. New things, deep hesitation, that feeling of messing up on the first attempt, mixed feelings; Especially towards new experiences like getting that new job, living on your own, or getting to know and see a new person more often than usual after someone in the family got married. It's okay to feel all kinds of feelings. I'm not too ashamed to admit that new routines can be scary. Here's how we make new routines not as scary.

  1. Start Small: Begin with one or two small changes before adding more. This helps reduce overwhelm and makes it easier to adjust.

  2. Establish Clear Goals: Know why you're incorporating a new routine. Understanding the purpose behind the change can provide motivation and clarity.

  3. Create a Visual Schedule: For visual thinkers and those who find comfort in patterns, a visual representation of the new routine can be incredibly helpful. Use charts, calendars, or apps to map out your day.

  4. Incorporate Interests: Integrating personal interests or favorite activities into the new routine can make it more enjoyable and something to look forward to.

  5. Use Reminders and Alarms: Setting reminders can help keep you on track until the new routine becomes a habit.

  6. Practice Patience and Self-Compassion: Adjusting to a new routine takes time. Be kind to yourself if things don’t go as planned.

  7. Seek Support: Share your goals with friends, family, or community members who can offer encouragement and hold you accountable.

  8. Reflect Regularly: Take time to reflect on what’s working and what isn’t. Adjustments may be necessary, and that’s okay.

  9. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate progress, no matter how small. This can boost your confidence and motivation.

  10. Maintain Flexibility: Be open to modifying your routine as needed. Flexibility can reduce stress and make it easier to adapt to changes.

It's up to you now. Up to us. Me as well because I am giving myself the humble reminder to adapt to the new routine as I am writing this. Let's work on it together. How about we play a little game? Whoever adapts to the new routine first celebrates first.
Let's get started. While the coffee is still hot.

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