Help Your Child with Autism Make Friends

autism friend friendship group peer relationship tyler mcnamer video Nov 20, 2018

How do you help your child with autism make friends? Friendships and relationships in general are hard for someone that has autism. Many times those with autism have a difficult time “putting themselves in another person’s shoes”.

That analogy alone is difficult for someone with autism to even understand.

Friendships can be formed with a understanding peer group. Those groups can be found in your general community, as part of your church, at school, a formal social skills group, or a wide variety of other places. It does take effort and some trial and error to find a workable solution.

Once you have an understanding peer group you can then start modeling behavior. A person with autism must create thousands of desperate social files, that can eventually be weaved together to form a framework of friendships and relationships.

It takes a lot of time, but it’s well worth it in the end, as your child develops the potential to have lifelong relationships.

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