Becoming ONE Available NOW!

becoming one sequel tyler mcnamer Sep 30, 2020
Hello, everyone!
I will be offline for a good period of time starting tomorrow. Will be back online on the seventeenth.
While I am gone, I have something fun planned for you!
If you are interested, here is what I have planned.
Becoming ONE is an INTERACTIVE novel! There are sections where you can fill in the blanks and come up with your own answers. Then, take a picture and send it with the number sign that says:
You can do this on any social media platform. Facebook Instagram Twitter Tumblr YouTube (Videos are accepted too.)
When I come back, I will take the time to read all of your answers and give you my comments and compliments.
Have your pens ready! I am looking forward to understand a bit about your world too.
Thank you everyone for your enthusiasm for the long awaited sequel! I hope you all enjoy my book.
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