"Becoming ONE" Announcement

adolescence adult autism becoming one high school population one transition tyler mcnamer Sep 15, 2020

How do you do? My name is Tyler McNamer.

The long awaited sequel to Population: ONE is available to purchase!

Becoming ONE

Adolescence was one of the most difficult times in my life, becoming a young adult was even harder. I had to come to terms with being different, learn how I could use my differences to find my place in the world, then find and maintain relationships that would accept and support me. 

Professionals told me I would not live independently. Those limiting beliefs affected me deeply.  Thankfully with help of my parents, mentors, therapists, and friends, I now have the ability to live on my own.

My training for adulthood started in middle school. If you would like to help your child make the shift into young adulthood, now it the time to prepare.  The work you do now will have a profound effect on their future. 

Your child with autism has a tremendous gift to give.  They need your help to use those gifts to build a life they love.  In 50 chapters I discuss how I did that, and how your child can too.  I will help your child find their independence safely and happily. My book will help them not feel so alone, and provide hope for both of you. 

 Join me on my mission to help all with autism to gain their unique identity, become one with themselves, and find their place in the world.

As of today, you can pre-order your copy personally signed by me by clicking on the link below. Becoming ONE will release on October 1st.


Thank you, and I hope you enjoy my new book.

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