Attitude Change

attitude autism change May 05, 2017

I’ve always said to myself that it’s never too late to change the attitude.
When I was little, I didn’t really know how to have fun. I was always the serious one sometimes that thought that having fun has strict limits like not playing soccer when it’s raining. Today, playing soccer in the rain is really cool and helps cool down when running and kicking the ball.

As I grow up, I learned that laughter truly is the best medicine, and having fun is the way to go. I do get my serious side, but that’s only when needed like school work or something.
Then, I had another attitude which is being rude and immature to other people, especially peers. To tell you the truth, I was not peaceable with other people when they were mean to me. Today when people are mean to me, I handle things in different ways that are good to others and to myself.

Unfortunately, as I go on throughout my high school days, I saw kids with autism that never learned that lesson on changing the attitude for the good. I have said many times that autism is never an excuse, and I also said many more times that it’s never too late to change the attitude.

We are all born good, it just takes time to get that part when it comes to life. Autism on my opinion starts with not getting used to what’s going on in the world, and they get grumpy about it or confused or defensive  But as time goes on, maturity hits harder than a rocket launcher. Meaning, that they including me would understand more on the world, and would adapt in that way when it comes to having the right attitude. If the world is used to bad attitude, then it’s a sad world to live in. A good attitude is the way to go, and even when bad attitude comes up, it probably means that we’re hungry. When I get a bad attitude, I get hungry…

…did I say that right?

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