April 9th Facebook Live Event

autism event keynote live live event pandemic tyler mcnamer Mar 29, 2022

Hi Everybody! 

I'm SO excited to announce that I will be hosting my very first Facebook Live Event on 
I'll be focusing on a topic that is very familiar to all of us and that is the pandemic.
Pre-Pandemic, During the pandemic, and Post Pandemic.  All of us have our own personal stories and I'll be sharing my personal experience with you! 
Change is really hard for all of us, but especially for those with ASD. So I'll be spending a half-hour discussing  some of these important topics. Questions I'll be answering are things like: 
 -     What helped me to cope? (Video conferencing with friends, playing games on-line with friends across the United States, going for walks, starting a new hobby) 
-    What was it like for me to have my routine changed and not be able to do some of the things I love to do? (such as going to movies, playing pinball, etc.)
-    How did I handle wearing a mask, social distancing and the anxiety that comes with that? 
-    What did I learn about being socially isolated? And what am I doing to prepare myself as the world slowly gets back to a normal state?
-    How did others help me cope and adjust to all the changes?  And how did I remain optimistic?
-    How were things different in printing my second book: "Becoming ONE" in the middle of a pandemic compared to my first book: "Population ONE"?
The remainder of the time will be for Q & A.   I welcome all your questions and I'll do my best to answer them. 
Hope to see you at this special event. I look forward to seeing you!! 
Tyler McNamer 
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